Please select a task from the list below.
Set Billed Select a company and mark them billed for a particular date.
Set Paid Set Employee Paid up to a particular date.
Change Companies You can add and/or update companies from here.
Change Users You can add and /or update users from here.
Change Projects You can add and/ or update projects/products from here.
Change Sub Projects You can add and/ or update sub projects/products from here. (Scope Changes)

Employee Time per Day This report shows the number of hours each person logged per day.
Steele Consult Billing Report for generating Billing Detail Report to include with each customer's invoice.
SC Billing Commission Report for generating Commission Detail Report to include with each customer's invoice.
Task List This report shows tasks and their descriptions for each employee.
Task List by Comp This report shows tasks and their descriptions for each project
Task List for Customer This report shows active tasks for each customer(if sending a customeer a list of active tasks, use this report).
SC Contractor Invoice Report This item reports Steele Consulting contractor invoices.